Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living
The Pitzo Kedem Architects in collaboration with Tanju Qzelgin has planned the beautiful house situated in Hezelia, Israel. The construction of the modern and minimalista house that is ended from the collaboration dell' architect in period 2007-2010 extends itself on an enemy surface approximately 600 meters square. The inner design of this beautiful space of life has been planned from architects Pitzo Kedem. This space of life that has been planned gives…

Modern Minimalistic Living
The Pitzo Kedem Architects in collaboration with Tanju Qzelgin has planned the beautiful house situated in Hezelia, Israel. L' building modern and minimalista house that is ended from the collaboration dell' architect in period 2007-2010 extends itself on an enemy surface approximately 600 meters square. The inner design of this beautiful space of life has been planned from architects Pitzo Kedem. This space of life that has been planned from Pitzo Kedem Architects is a modern building and of minimalista design. And ' completely it eliminates the accepted barrier between and within and outside and one hides. All' inside of its spaces withheld, un' dramatic atmosphere and l' wide opening of the spaces. With l' architect, this house is constructed like house vacation for a family that lives all' foreign country. With just localized and situated directly on the coast, in the center of the country, the architectonic plan of this dwelling is based on centers them three that is encircles a wide inner courtyard with swimming pool to the center. The masses of this same room comprise the border and the barrier between the road, the neighbors and inner of the house and between the inner courtyard and those same spaces. The walls dynamic are created from the topic center them. In a hand l' elimination of the border between this courtyard centers them and the inner spaces, while in other part, the creation of a change and the dynamic facade, that total of the facade or the various levels of exposure concurs for the closing or the dissimulazione. Sul side of forehead to the swimming pool, the mass centers is limited them. And ' delimited from seven meters display long aluminum without support columns. Embedded in the niche wall, the half of the display is subdivided in six continuous major unit, and fundamentalally draft of an unit to proceeds. Which is extends along all a length and between the swimming pool, the mass that it comprises or becomes a floater and the border between the kitchen and the long bar. The surrounding bridge is cancelled put in its interezza and thus creates and it is opened to house without borders. The space in which the border between within and outside is found is becomes confused and, in effects, it creates a new space that it is a crossing between n inner and external space. The relationship between richest exposed and the passing are concurred from the side of the sea to the west. The closing total of the facade or the various levels of sfocatura between l' inside and l' outside is concurred from a partition that comes created from six equal sections metal and adjustable in doghe of wood. In order to play a role it centers them in the inner areas and vital space for the creations of the display geometric of the light against vertical and the superficial horizontals and thus to enrich the system of deduction of the material in which the spaces are formed houses, the dynamism of the doors fisarmonica large and the lamelle adjustable in wood that is allowed the natural light that enters through of they. L' architectonic idea dall' architect like designer the house draft front line in concrete way when all the facades of the buildings are opened and disappeared. The structure, than is introduced as a solid one and is the sealed structure is without warning seems to float and the visibility is produced to a lightness feeling and. With the images in motion along which it is divided and they move in between superficial the floatings, the house is visualized as if they have been constructed from they. The reasons center them of usual accompany l' architect. The resource to minor a number of forms, a reduction of the materials and the colors withheld is manifested in this plan of inhabited space. Al fine to strengthen dynamics and the tension between l' impeccable and the contained mass and between the opening and lightness feeling, when all the walls are opened. And ' that it renders this plan is special. The two opposite materials center them that it comes used is a solid material, strong and classified. L' example like limestone gray and the black basalt like the contrast with the rifrangenti and reflecting luminosity and opaque glass and the other materials like l' water in a reflecting black swimming pool. The dialogue and the relation between the materials and the meditativa qualities, to create, all' inside of spaces dell' sobria building, an only and amazingly dramatic atmosphere.

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

Modern Minimalistic Living

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